FINALLY Friday Roll Call!!!

Liz R.
on 10/6/11 8:27 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All  - TGIF!!!

I am at wor****il 3-3:30 ish then headed to NJ to pick up Mia, grocery shop, do the return at Target that I have been putting off all week, grab something for dinner and home to put away groceries and get us both to bed early!

IdaMae D.
on 10/6/11 9:21 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Liz & PA:

TGIF is absolutely correct!!!!!

I now remember the reason I changed my work schedule from 5 to 4, last night's traffic caused me to arrive home at 6:45pm.  1 hr and 45 minutes to get home from work, absolutely exhausting.

I'm late for work, woke up late, work will still be there when I arrive so I'm going to take my time and mosey into the office. 

No training today so I'm out those doors at 4ish unless I can get out earlier.

Nothing planned for tonight.  Gene has some private clients lined up, not sure what his schedule is.  He was teaching last night so we have not had time to talk to each other, except for emails and a few quick phone calls due to my crazy work schedule this week. 

House stuff is stressful and exhausting.

Hope everyone has a great day...



on 10/6/11 10:12 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Morning Liz and PA - I thought I heard Target calling your name, Liz!! How's Miss Mia feeling? Is she all better now?

I'm at work - and yes, I'm with you - TGIF!!! Busy days ahead of me - tonight I must get home and start laundry and clean my filthy house. Amazing what two more people hanging around can do to a small place. My sister and b-i-l will be home late tonight so I'll have a chance to dust, swiffer the floors and just straighten things up.

Tomorrow morning is a grocery store run, then home to make crab soup and dips for guests coming tomorrow afternoon. Sister and b-i-l are away again tomorrow for grandson's football game - hubby has a funeral service for his aunt - nephew is out all day watching football and baseball so I'll have the house to myself to get ready.

Also need to pack for my whirlwind trip to Florida - hubby gave me my marching orders to come back with a house! So sister and I will leave Sunday morning and arrive in Florida sometime Monday. Monday night I'm looking at one house in their development. Have to call the realtor I've been working with today to see what she has lined up for Tuesday, and Tuesday night I fly home.

Can't wait to see my brother and give him a big hug!! Oh, and $2,000 that we raised between donations from friends and the benefit party we had for him last Friday night!

Only other thing going on is my little sister is waiting to hear from her doctor about the results of her uterine ultrasound yesterday. Keeping our fingers crossed that it's nothing too seriousl.

OK - sorry for the long, rambling post - doubtful I'll be posting much over the next few days - hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Liz R.
on 10/6/11 10:27 pm - Easton, PA
LOL Kathy! Mia is much better now thanks. Still battling a little bit of tummy issues (on the lower end now) so hopefully it's almost all gone!

Good luck with the house hunting and the trip to FL!
Patricia R.
on 10/6/11 10:16 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning LIz and PA,
I am barely awake.  I slept like a log, and only awoke to go potty.  

I have to get moving to my AA meeting.  I really feel like going back to bed,

I have to congratulate my Tiger fans friends on the Tigers beating the Yankees in last night's game.  Hopefully the Phillies will beat the Cardinals too.

Hope everyone has a great day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/6/11 10:29 pm - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Liz - I am highly entertained by the back and forth between you and Kathy about your Target runs.   VERY FUNNY! :)

I am at school, had a realtively uneventful morning thus far, which is great because the holiday starts tonight and I am still not completely ready for the onslaught of people coming to my house tomorrow.  I am pretty sure that I am blowing off services tonight, I just don't have the strength to sit there and find the connection and spirituality.  I am going to stay home and finish up the last minute stuff I need to do for Yom Kippur Break Fast tomorrow.  Larry IS going to services and it is very possible he is taking all the kids.  I will REALLY be good if that happens.  As for the Phillies Game tonight, Larry does no****ch TV on Yom Kippur.  And I was invited to a friends house to watch.  I am up in the air.  I DO watch TV on Yom Kippur, and Larry usually goes in to the bedroom and reads or whatever.  But with the Phillies on tonight, he will want to watch and I am worried about him, so if I leave, it might be better for him, (And selfishly, me too! :) )

Tomorrow is off to the synagogue for family services in the morning. I will run to the deli after to get the food tray, then back to the synagogue for tot services then home.  I MAY heah back there for the memorial service, but I remember last year I just did not have the connection I wanted, so I left in the middle of the serivce and came home.  I go because it is a way for me to be connected with others who have lost people in their lives, but if I don't feel it, I would much rather be with my family than there.  I don't remember my mom going when my grandparents died.  So, I know that it is not a big deal to her if I don't go.  Again, we shall see!

Happy Friday!  Most likely will not be on here at all this weekend!  And I am off on Monday, Thank you Mr. Columbus!
Lisa H.
on 10/6/11 11:48 pm - Whitehall, PA
 MORNING ALL.... TGIF is right.. slept right through my alarm this morning. Not sure what's up with that.  It was set and it usually goes off for a awhile.  So, since I slept late, Siehara did not get up.  I woke up at 7:15, got her out of bed, packed a quick lunch for her and rushed her to school.  She was a little bit late, but better late than never.  

I need to go over to the office where we did settlement on the house at some point today to pick up a small check that represents a miscalculation that occured at settlement.  It's not much, but anything will help at this point. 

After work today, I am just going to relax.  I will also blow off services tonight.  I don't usually go for the night service for Yom Kippur.  I'm not sure why, I just don't.  A lot of people really love tonight's service, but since I haven't been there in years (except maybe last year--can't remember, so it must not have affected me), I don't know what it is about the service that appeals to so many.  

I AM going to make every effort in my body to fast this year.  Last year I didn't even try.  This year, I would like to make this my starting over chance.  If I fast and cleanse my body for 24 hours, it should be easier to get back on track.... I hope.  I will spend all day tomorrow in services, including the memorial service.  I missed both of my parents' "official" annual memorial day (yahrzeit) and feel I NEED to be there for this.  I am not going to stay through the final night service like I usually do.  Siehara and I are going to head up to my friend's house for a break the fast meal instead of staying at the synagogue for theirs.  

Sunday, I am working all day at Dress Barn.. so busy, not so fun weekend for me.  

My tracker


on 10/7/11 1:32 am

Today is a day of dual celebration around here:

Detroit beat the Yankees!


Get ready for it...

Today...even as I type....A TARGET is opening right HERE in LITITZ, PA!!!!

Now, when I moved here, the nearest Target was in York. Yes, York. The nearest Bed, Bath, & Beyond was in Harrisburg. Lancaster Target opened a few years later, but it is way out by the outlets and just sort of off my general I don't like the traffic along that stretch of US30.

It's taken me years to get used to driving 10 miles to any big store. And when I get there, it's WalMart. Which is okay when you really need something at WalMart, or when you realize that the lipstick is $3 cheaper there than at CVS. But come ON. WalMart is not Target, no way, no how.

So I am on the way to celebrate the grand opening, and getting a pedicure on the way home. THen cleaning house, paying bills, and generally gearing up for the weekend. Mike has to work all weekend so I am planning to hang at the gym on Saturday and do churchy stuff on Sunday.

And I've been blogging some - here ya go if you have time!


on 10/7/11 1:40 am

Good Friday Morning!!

Liz, I am glad Mia is feeling better!! Get to Target will ya?!?! LOL!

Today is wor****il 3pm, a few errands, and then home to chill. I finally broke down and called the dr for whatever I am fighting. I think it is a sinus infection, BLECH! I have an appointment with the dr on Monday, but I want to get the antibiotics going now! No sense of waiting all weekend and feeling crummy!

Well, no services for me tonight, too tired and feeling lousy. Need to rest more!!

Have a great Friday! It is beautiful out there!!
Love to all, Beth">">>

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